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Title: The Milk of Sorrow

(La teta asustada)

Director:  Claudia Llosa  
Country:  Peru
Year: 2005
Minutes: 94
Languages: Spanish and Quechua
Cast: Magaly Solier, Susi Sánchez, Efraín Solís

This movie explores the consequences of physical and psicological trauma not only in the assaulted victim but also in her descendants. Fausta, the protagonist, is a very shy and scared young indigenous woman who is trying to earn enough money to give her mother a proper burial. Her family believes Fausta suffers from a disease called "the milk of sorrow," transferred to her by her mother while breastfeeding. Her mother had been raped while she was pregnant with Fausta, her father had been brutally mutilated and killed, and Fausta now lives her life in fear and suffers from severe health problems in an effort to protect herself from being raped as her mother was.



María José Domínguez

Arizona State University



Cisneros, Vitelia. “Guaraní y quechua desde el cine en las propuestas de Lucía Puenzo, El niño pez, y Claudia Llosa, La teta asustada.”  Hispania 96.1 (2013): 51-61.



Lillo, Gastón. "La teta asustada (Perú, 2009) de Claudia Llosa. ¿Memoria u olvido?" Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana 37.73 (2011): 421-46.


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