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Title: Cassandra

Director:  Inés de Oliveira Cézar  
Country:  Argentina
Year: 2012
Minutes: 90
Language: Spanish
Cast: Agustina Muñoz, Edgardo Cozarinski, Alan Pauls.

Cassandra combines fiction and documentary to present the reality of the impoverished and abandoned region of El Chaco, in Argentina. Cassandra is the name of the main character, a solitary young woman from Buenos Aires who has recently completed her studies in journalism and faces her first job assignment working as an intern at a newspaper. She prepares for her journey to El Chaco by interviewing some experts and doing research on the area. Then, she travels to the indigenous communities and observes how people live there. She interviews them and takes photos, but she is incapable of sending her editor the kind of material he expects from a reporter. The reality she confronts will take her into a deeper personal journey from which she will never return.



María José Domíguez

Arizona State University



Schein, Seth L. “The Cassandra Scene in Aeschylus' 'Agamemnon.'” Greece & Rome 29.1 (1982): 11–16.


Tompkins, Cynthia. Tompkins, Cynthia. Experimental Latin American Cinema: History and Aesthetics. Austin: U of Texas P, 2013.


Valenzuela, Cristina Ofelia. "La resistencia de la agricultura familiar tradicional en el Chaco, Argentina." Economía, sociedad y territorio 9.30 (2009): 397-433.



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