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Title: Mother Tongue

Director:  Liliana Paolinelli
Country:  Argentina
Year: 2010
Minutes: 80
Languages: Spanish
Cast: Claudio Lapacó, Virginia Innocenti, Claudia Cantero, Mara Santucho, Ana Katz, María Simone, Nancy Anka

This Argentine comedy, Liliana Paolinelli's second film, narrates the story of Ruth (Virginia Innocenti) who is a woman who has been in a relationship with a female politician, a candidate for congess for the province of Cordoba. One day Estela (Claudia Lapacó), Ruth’s mother, finds out that after all these years Ruth and her “friend” have been more than friends. Through quick wit and fast dialogue, Estela is seen going through a lot of effort to understand her daughter’s sexuality (by visiting bars, cafés, and buying books about being gay). Ruth’s mother, with good intentions, begins to invade her daughter’s personal life right when her relationships is going through a rough period.


Thomas J. Shalloe

Arizona State University

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