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Title: The Bad Intentions

Director: Rosario García-Montero
Country: Perú
Year: 2011
Minutes: 110
Language: Spanish
Cast: Fátima Buntinx, Katerina D'Onofrio, Melchor Gorrochátegui

This drama presents the experiences of Cayetana (Fátima Buntinx), an intelligent, temperamental and somewhat sadistic girl of eight who idolizes national heroes of Peruvian history and animates reality with her lively imagination. Accustomed to being the only child of a wealthy Lima family, Cayetana falls into crisis when her mother (Katerina D'Onofrio) tells her that she is pregnant and soon Cayetana will have a younger brother. Deeply disturbed, she convinces herself that the day her brother is born will be the day of her own death. While Cayetana’s world becomes increasingly disintegrated, the country is consumed by the terrorist violence that began in the 1980s. Despite her pessimistic prediction, Cayetana does not die the day her brother is born but, on the contrary, gains a new perspective on life and on herself, declaring in the final scene: “I am not invisible!”


Vera R. Coleman

Arizona State University



Andrade, Cynthia Karolay Ramírez. La representación del conflicto armado a través del personaje infantil en el cine peruano: Paloma de papel (Fabricio Aguilar-2003) y Las malas intenciones (Rosario García-Montero-2011). Diss. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Facultad de Ciencias y Artes de la Comunicación, 2014.


Thomas, Sarah. “Yo no soy invisible: Imaginative Agency in Las malas intenciones.” Screening Minors in Latin American Cinema. Eds. Carolina Rocha and Georgia Seminet. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014. 53-67.

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