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Title: A Stray Girlfriend

Director: Ana Katz
Country:  Argentina
Year: 2007
Minutes: 85
Languages: Spanish
Cast:  Ana Katz, Daniel Hendler, Carlos Portaluppi, Erica Rivas

A couple, Inés (Ana Katz) and Miguel (Daniel Hendler), is traveling on a long distance bus to a resort town located on the Atlantic coast of Argentina when an argument provokes Miguel to stay on the bus when Inés gets off alone. Abandoned in Mar de las Pampas during off-season, she spends various days trying to get in contact with Miguel by phone to fix the problem without any success. She decides to stay alone in the hotel in the woods where she was supposed to spend a few romantic days with her boyfriend and she makes friends with various strangers, she gets drunk, laughs, cries, flirts, and she goes on an inner personal journey thanks to her holidays in solitude.


Thomas J. Shalloe

Arizona State University

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