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My name is María José Domínguez and I am originally from Madrid, Spain. I have a Ph.D. and a M.A. in Spanish from Arizona State University. I received my Licenciatura in Journalism from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and I worked as a journalist in El Mundo, the second largest newspaper in Spain. I am Editorial Assistant to the journal Laberinto and I also worked as Assistant to the Editor of Letras Femeninas

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AHCT Annual Spanish Golden Age Theater Simposium,
Almagro (Spain)
July 2021
Presenting my video-essay “Vídeo-arte, spoken word y teatro áureo en el salón (virtual) de clase”
Festival Internacional de Teatro Clásico de Almagro,
Ciudad Real (Spain)
July 2020
Presenting my paper “Dulcinea a concurso: Innovativas videocreaciones presentadas en el Festival de Almagro”


Click on the picture to read the article

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La iglesia sale del limbo:

Un análisis de los espacios en el auto sacramental El gran teatro del mundo

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Maria Dominguez

Click on the picture to read the article


"Yo sé quién soy": La quijotización de Dulcinea y la dulcinización de don Quijote en una película de Vicente Escrivá

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Maria Dominguez

Click on the picture to read the article

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Audience Reception (Pedro Calderón de la Barca's El astrólogo fingido, directed by González Puche y Zhenghong) 

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Maria Dominguez

Arizona State University

© 2020 by Maria Dominguez. Proudly created with

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