Latam-Films is an educational website that showcases the work of Latin American women filmmakers, whose films have not been widely studied. Latam-Films offers a growing database of director biographies and film synopses as well as critical bibliographies, links to reviews and interviews, a photo gallery and video clips.
The Latam-Films project was created by a group of graduate students in Dr. Cynthia Tompkins's Latin American film class at Arizona State University in the Fall of 2015. As this database grows, we welcome you to share your comments and suggestions and engage in a fruitful discussion about the remarkable contributions of Latin American filmmakers.
Latam-Directors and Latam-Movies are sister pages to this project, and they include director biographies as well as film synopses. All images and quotes are linked to their source page whenever possible.
MarÃa José DomÃnguez (ASU) conceived of the idea for the website, its organization and design. She is thankful to her colleagues Vera Coleman, Thomas Shalloe, and Alejandro López, who collaborated in this ambitious project. They wrote the summaries contained in Latam-Directors and Latam-Movies and are in charge of editing the websites.

"No estoy tratando de adscribir mi pelÃcula a una categorÃa, o a tratar de que se note que soy mujer. Porque yo soy mujer y creo que se va a notar. Mal o bien, se va a notar siempre. Entonces, no estoy haciendo ese esfuerzo".
Lucrecia Martel